
The Gospel of Matthew, Volume 2 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Ever question what may have been meant by the statement, "You are Peter and on this rock"? Are you puzzled by the cursing of the fig tree by Jesus or by his comments about moving mountains? William Barclay discusses these and many other interesting matters in this second volume of the Gospel of Matthew. Readers will profit by the depth of scholarship, the honesty of appraisal, and the grace of...

(1) We cannot but be moved by the faith of the boy’s father. Even though the disciples had been given power to cast out devils (Matthew 10:1), here was a case in which they had very obviously and publicly failed. And yet in spite of the failure of the disciples, the father never doubted the power of Jesus. It is as if he said: ‘Only let me get at Jesus himself, and my problems will be solved and my need will be met.’ There is something very poignant about that; and there is something which is very
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